Tuesday 20 March 2012

Brendan Dawes, Fillings for Rectangles.

Brendan Dawes referrs to his practice as creating 'stuff' that people either love or hate.
This image was a project where Dawes created an interface out of play-doh and the more or less of the play-doh the camera could see, the faster or slower the film would play. I don't really understand anything about computer technologies, but I understand the concept of playing around with your art to generate more interesting and innovative ideas. Dawes referrs to this project as something analog being able to control something digital.

The work Dawes creates is supposed to replicate magic. The audience is supposed to look on at it with a sense of wonderment and something they'll talk about afterwards. it's about putting your work out on the internet and seeing what people think about it, someone important may just spot it.

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